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Hi!! Welcome to my blog! I am a fine art portrait & lifestyle photographer located in the NYC area. I'm available in Long Island & Westchester, as well. I specialize in maternity, families, babies, children & events. This blog is a place to check out my most recent work, view new products, get news updates & hear about the latest specials. To view more of my work, please visit my site:

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

beautiful blonde beach babe

well...i had a hard time choosing which images to post! she is soooo pretty & there were tons of great ones! we actually started at a park with a duck pond in east hampton, long island that the parents had found. what a great place!!! here are a few of my favs:

once she starting feeding the ducks, we had a hard time getting her away :) she was so sweet with them, she even tried to go swimming with them a few times!

off to the beach....
the beautiful family...

daddy's little girl.


The Chan Clan August 22, 2008 at 5:19 AM  

hey alysa, oooh I love this park. you'll have to tell me where it is... we've been exploring LI every weekend =0)

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