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Hi!! Welcome to my blog! I am a fine art portrait & lifestyle photographer located in the NYC area. I'm available in Long Island & Westchester, as well. I specialize in maternity, families, babies, children & events. This blog is a place to check out my most recent work, view new products, get news updates & hear about the latest specials. To view more of my work, please visit my site:

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

my beautiful lil' cousins

so...these gorgeous girls are my 1st cousin's children. they have been modeling for me since they were babies & i can't believe how big they are getting!!! here are MY faves from the session:

these are my other cousins daughters - at the pool club...we had so much fun! the older girl is probably the funniest kid i have EVER met!!!

this little cutie was having So much fun w/ the paddle ball...i see tennis in her future!


greenbaby-nyc September 5, 2008 at 1:31 PM  

awww they are beautiful! i started a blog for greenbaby too...


Anonymous,  September 12, 2008 at 8:54 PM  

Hi there--I came across your comment on the mage X conv. website and followed it here--curious how you where building your business...
I LOVE the first photo in this bunch--and the sepia-toned photo half way through this post on the right side of your cousin's full face with the flower in her hair is stunning.
I really really REALLY like when you do a vintage-y photo finish to some of your photos. Not everyone pulls that off well, and when you do it it makes the photo more interesting--not more cheesy as some people make the mistake of doing...
Anyway (long winded mama, I know...)
Good luck and I'll check in every once in a while for inspiration!

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